The Considerably Interesting Curricular Compendium
The home of Blerns & Sob
Visit Brins' friend

A victorious post from Brins

Don't we all love that
strange feeling when everything goes your way all at once for
no explicable reason? And that odd guilt that comes with it when you're afraid that you'll come across as
pompous for it? That's what I get, anyway. Think yourself up, and you'll try to throw yourself down.
But it's true, things haven't been that good for me recently, and yet suddenly everything's flown in all at once. As they say,
it never rains but it pours, and
it never glistens but it shines. Whether good or bad, things always come in packs, never a little of one or the other.
As is testified by life, I'll liably be returning here at a later time to lament about some
awkward or
annoying occurence which has happened, since these events always come in turnstyles.
I've got the
foreboding sense that all these good things are making way for something nasty. The
calm before the storm. However, we'll all find out soon, won't we?
I hope you're alright, my friends, and perhaps some good things will come your way in time.
As an aside, I entered the
CICC into a minor competition of sorts with a computer magazine. If they like it, I might get put on their board of favourite blogs and maybe even win a prize. Wish me luck, my crusaders!
And have a nice day
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A milestone passed by Brins
Whoa! Yeah! Awesome! Intense! Groovin'! Smooth! Radical! Smashin'! Bodacious!
Check it out, squadron! March to the
site meter post haste, and you may notice that, as of my setting up of the meter two weeks ago, the CICC has received a cumulative total of
100 separate and
unique visitors!!
You've all done very well, my readers, for it is because of you that this has been possible. Please, continue reading the CICC at your leisure, and by all means feel free to
contact me or
sign the guestbook about anything you would like to mention about the site, whether compliment or outright slander, I'm happy to receive all. I appreciate your viewing, and I hope you continue to visit. Thanks to all.
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

An Elvisish post from Brins
Dave's happy, I'm happy
interesting new information, my grapefruits! It would appear as though a
talent show is coming up, and - for the first time in a reasonable number of years (not to mention a rather disappointingly unfulfilled opportunity last year - ) I'm putting on my
blue suade shoes and
hitting the stage as
Elvis in what will liably be a spectacular finale to my Elvis history (all starting in Stars in their Eyes).
But in other news, it's yet another
nice quiet day in for me, while I've overheard it to be
otherwise for others.
Alas, I missed out on the
philosophy club today, but apparently it involved
Locke and his (debatably)
famous theory: '
We can't prove that anything exists outside our heads!', exclamation mark included. I'll leave you to slavour over this particular question and see if you can do what one of the (again, debatably)
greatest minds in philosophy never quite got his 'head' round (heehee). It surprises me that
no-one else ever thought of this question before him, but there you go.
In case you haven't noticed, there's now an '
e-mail Brins' section at the top of the right-hand menu. Feel free to e-mail
comments on the site,
suggestions for improvements, and whatever else you may feel fitting. Perhaps this might encourage people to take part in the challenges.
That's all for updates, I'll see you when I have something more interesting to say!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A pointless post from Brins
I don't have anything to say. The holiday's over, unfortunately, and it's back to work for everyone. If any interesting events occur soon, I'll let you know.
Well, I'll say that the International
Talk Like A Pirate Day Blerns & Sob special is officially complete; a testament to history's
greatest pirates, I'm sure. They'll be
keelhauling in their graves.
But stay tuned to the
CICC for potential updates and new additions to the
options menu. I'll see you then.
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A Challenging Conclusion from Brins
ARGH! Too late, time's up! The
Pirate Challenge has officially ended, much to your horror, I'm sure (judging by the face), so let's have a look at the
No winner?! Aw, rats, I guess there aren't any budding
pirate pros coming here yet. Perhaps I'll have a more
popular challenge later.
As I mentioned earlier, I've got a
Monday-Tuesday holiday here, but I'm aware that most of you don't. I don't know whether or not this will affect my
visitor count, but that doesn't really matter. What does is
my life, so here we go:
I can't say anything you'd be interested in's happening at the moment; I went to that
choir meeting on Friday, incidentally; horrifically organised - partly (yes,
partly) due to its being directed by pupils - but at least I got a
free CD containing no less than
two songs!!
Also, there's a meeting regarding the
school show on Wednesday, but they made the bothersome error of
not telling us what time it's on. I'm sure they'll correct this mistake, but still...
That's all the main news. Let me divert your attention, meanwhile, to my
good friend's website (which you can find in the links section):
Rob on the net. Some sparse use of
bad language, but by no means outrageous.
Stay tuned, my legions, for more
challenges and
school pupil essays someday.
Happy (holi)day, pals
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Avast, it's Brins!

Ahoy there, ye landlubbers. In keepin' up wit' trad'tion, ah'll be talkin' like a
pirate fer the duration o' the post. Shiver me timbers, do y'ave any idea 'ow 'ard it is t' do this in text form?!
Walk the plank! This 'ere's the larst chance ye'll get t'enter the
Pirate Phrase competition, ye
scurvy dogs! Get o'er t' the
Challenge s'ction at the double! Argh!
Brins' got sumt'n o' a slight
cold this 'ere maurnin', argh, just 'n case ye'd like t' know.
So dig out that treasure chest, swig a bottle o' rum, an' 'ave a happy
International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Blue Blisterin' Barnacles!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A working Saturday post from Brins

Checking the previous post will net you my reference to the
extended weekend holiday that myself and my fellow school pupils have at this point. Go on, feel free to have a look.
Well, it's only natural that we'd be left some
work to do over this period (teachers can't have us doing nothing, after all), so I think I'll get ahead of the game and apply my
classic strategy.
Top Tip For School Pupils
My recommendation would surely be that, whenever you get
homework, be it
school day or
holiday, you should do it quickly. Not so quickly that it's done badly, but do it soon. Come home from a day of school, take a
short break if you want, and get that work done - agonising to consider, but once you're at that table working, you achieve a state of what I like to call
Exam-Zen: you become one with the work, all other things seem second priority until you've done everything there is to do.
It's the same for holidays. Do it all fairly early, leave yourself a lot of time. Trust me, you'll be thankful you did it, and that strange almost-
guilty burden in the back of your mind will be no more.
So that's my suggestion. I'll certainly be doing it. Incidentally, if you're a school pupil, you can now get easy access to my
school records to the right, above the
options menu.
In other news, only one day to go 'til the
Pirate Challenge ends! Come on, guys, take part!
See you tomorrow, then. Argh!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A happy holiday post from Brins

Good news, gang! It's a holiday weekend for me, Monday and Tuesday are officially off days for us pupils. Such fun! But do I have anything really interesting to say...?
Actually, yes. There's a philosophy club at our school, and if there's one place you should be at Friday lunchtimes, it's there. We contemplated
Descartes' flabberings on Mind-Body problems. You see, Descartes was a rather paranoid guy. He decided that nothing in the world could be confirmed to be real, seeing as how our senses are volatile. Fair enough. That's when he went on to claim that we are the only things guaranteed to exist, as backed by his famous quote: "I think therefore I am". In other words, your constantly changing thoughts are proof that you are real. That also makes sense.
God must exist because we're so
un-Godlike that the mere
conception of Him warrants his existence? Dedicated
Christian though I am, I still can't really see the logic behind that one, but then it's
Descartes' opinion.
Feel free to
comment on your perception of that one, though.
If you haven't done so already, why not check the challenges? See if you can get into the hall of fame!
Oh, and if you're wondering about that picture... well, I found it on the internet. Wonderful place.
So happy holidays
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A note on challenges from Brins
Here's an explanation of the challenge system on the CICC.
Every so often, I, Brins, will issue a challenge on this website. You can distinguish the challenges because they will be printed in
green text, as can be seen with the post preceding this one.
The Rules
Now, here's the way it works. If you want to take up the challenge, you can do so in one of two ways:
1) Post a comment on the record in question
2) E-mail me (address: - make the e-mail subject 'CICC' or 'Challenge' or something of the form
You'll want to tell me what name you want to be put in, otherwise I'll take your commenting-e-mail adress. You might also want me to link to your website - if you do, put it in.
Then, when the specified deadline - printed in
red text - is reached, Brins will decide a winner.
All winners of Brins' challenges will have their names put up on the 'Hall Of Fame' section above the options menu.
Now that you have all this information, happy challenging! You can find the challenge section above the options menu as well. (Challenges which have ended will appear there in red).
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments
A Challenge from Brins
Okay, here's an interesting idea.
International Talk Like A Pirate Day is coming up, as we all
should know, so I issue a
Whoever can comment/email ( the most pirate phrases on this record wins recognition in the Brins Challenge Hall-Of-Fame!
Closing date for this is
Sunday 19th September
Up for the challenge? Comment away!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

An extranious note from Brins
This might win the award for
shortest ever post by me, but I'm just chronicling my Curriculum.
It seems as though I've been '
chosen' to be a
member of a choir... even though I never entered the
Of course I'll join, but it
baffles me nonetheless.
Yes, that really is all. I'm not going into detail about this one.
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Testing from Brins
Hello again, fellow particles. You may have noticed (or are noticing) a
considerable number of posts in a
short space of time. This is me trying to get the picture system sorted.
It seems as though I have to post a picture
in here to use it elsewhere, which is why I've posted this face (you can see it scrolled along the options menu).
Sorry for this, I'm sure the site will be back to
compending my curriculum soon enough.
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments
But let's not forget Brins! Have you seen Brins the Bins, incidentally... haven't you? I highly recommend it!
(Note from Brins: if you're wondering what these last three posts are about, they were a special request)
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments
And here's 'screamin' Dave'! Have you played Operation Embarrass yet, Andy? Craig? DAVE?!
Hey, are any of you listening to me?!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments
A demonstration of artistic talent from Brins
Pictures, Andy? You want pictures?! Then take a gander at these...
Here's Dave from 'Operation Embarrass'!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

An example from Brins

If you're wondering as to what in the blue blazes this is, I'm just setting

up an example image for a friend who's started on blogger. Although I have to admit, you can't deny the hilarity of this photo (edited by the aforementioned friend, incidentally).
But while I've got the president in mind, here's a little of something we haven't seen much of on this site so far: politics.
I wonder who's going to win the presidential election (in November, I think). I don't know much about it, not being American, so it's kind of difficult for me to say who's best. For someone, I always found President Bush to be unintentionally hilarious. It's just his looks and voice, I don't know, but when I see him I'm always laughing.
He reminds me a little of my old modern studies teacher as well...
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A virus has struck!
Attention, fanbase: last night I,
Brins, was shocked to discover upon opening my
template for the site (basically the coding that makes the website exist) that someone felt it fit at some point or another to replace my
carefully tailored customised coding with some
discussion about Malaysia!
I don't know if this happened with any other blogs, but it totally messed mine up. After surprisingly minimal effort, I've fixed everything up again (I think, almost) and saved all the precious code separately in case it happens again.
I'm just here to tell you that if you came to the site last night and everything turned up as gobbledegook, it's fixed now. If it happens again, I can just recode it.
But I hope this mystery is solved before Malaysia strikes again...
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A challenge from Brins!
You know what, fellow
bloglodytes? I had a most cracking idea! This is an amusing little thing that I just thought of, and which will henceforth liably
go nowhere, but I,
Brins, invoke the challenge nonetheless.
Here's the deal: do you think you know
who I am? Having read the posts in this blog, can you say '
hey, yeah, this guy sounds familiar'?
If you do, that's great, because I'm officially offering a
special prize to anyone who can approach me in
reality (I'm afraid I won't accept your presence as a string of characters) and say '
Are you Brins?'
What's the prize? You'll have to
find out for yourself, won't you?
If you think you're interested in the challenge, why not scroll through my records to get a better idea of who I am and whether or not you know me?
And so, the fun/disillusionment/embarrassment/doomed-concept begins...
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A showstopper of a post from Brins
I didn't really want to put anything about this on the CICC, but when I think about it, it's a
part of my life... and this is a
Curricular Compendium... so I guess it deserves to be here.
Well, the
school show is going to be beginning soon, as regards rehearsals. The
auditions were fairly recent, and there was a surprisingly
small turnout for
male lead roles. However, the only part which more than one person (two people, to be precise) would like is the one
I'm going for. It's either me or him, and we'll just have to see to find out who they think would best suit the role. Story of my life, huh?
But seriously, it doesn't matter much, since there's a part for all of us who turned up at the audition (all
four of us), so whoever fails this will surely get another
equally important role. I'd be happy to settle for a lesser one, anyway.
If, by whatever
incredible circumstance, the person who's after the
same role as me should be reading this, and have a rough idea of
who I am, then I'd just like to say let's not have any hard feelings about this. I don't want any grudges to be held; it's just a show, after all. Whichever one of us gets it, there'll surely be
plenty more opportunities in both our lives for the other to get the main lead... a tad over-dramatic a comment, I know, but just in case you're at all flustered about the whole thing.
I'm still waiting for the day when someone, somewhere, will
find out who it is that's writing these things. With every new post that comes in, there's more evidence to support their case. I hope this post doesn't tip the scales...
But that's all I have to say! I might let you know who gets the part, but maybe I shouldn't in case I get discovered. Oh well!
Update: Audition's over. Who's got the parts?? The excitement/banality/indifference builds!
Update the 2nd: Whoa! Yikes! Whaa! Zoinks! Check it out, gang, now a whole assortment of other motley auditionees have decided (i.e. been forced) to participate in the auditions
Part Two! Luckily I don't have to go, since I've auditioned already... but this incident certainly adds some spice to the situation, doesn't it? None of us are guaranteed parts any longer!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A new feature from Brins
Check it out, gang! After some effort, I have successfully installed a links page! With
ONE LINK!! You can find it on the right hand side of the screen, below the site meter.
But, as the warning states, make sure you can handle mature language and content before clicking on it...
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A button-repressing post from Brins
Alas, I have no tomatoes. You may have noticed I like to keep a minimum of 1 post per week, Friday being the update date. Sorry that I don't have anything interesting to tell you all; as soon as I master the picture sending mechanism, I'll see about spicing up these records with a few parsley sprinkles here and there. But fear not, my friends, for I have something of meagre interest to show you.
Rainy day?
Balderdash! That's no excuse for
fun! Can you rise to the ranks of stardom with!
Probably not. I personally am not worthy of the button-holding talents of the incorrigably esteemed individuals (perhaps teams...?) that have mastered the art of button-holding. But who knows, could you be the next mouse man. Never rule out the possibilities; the junction to stardom has many branches, as does the staircase have many steps. Are you going to trudge all the way up? Or leap a few? Your call...
That's all for this week. I always find a way to elongate these records beyond reason.
Goodbye, from Brins
Update: Alert! Alert! You won't believe what just happened to me. I was perusing some entertainment at, when
suddenly I
accidentally pressed the right hand mouse button while holding the button. The counter kept going! There is a glitch in the otherwise unmalignable Button! Goodness me, someone's gotta tell the guy who made it about this! It's a travesty!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments