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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

A victorious post from Brins
Don't we all love that strange feeling when everything goes your way all at once for no explicable reason? And that odd guilt that comes with it when you're afraid that you'll come across as pompous for it? That's what I get, anyway. Think yourself up, and you'll try to throw yourself down.

But it's true, things haven't been that good for me recently, and yet suddenly everything's flown in all at once. As they say, it never rains but it pours, and it never glistens but it shines. Whether good or bad, things always come in packs, never a little of one or the other.

As is testified by life, I'll liably be returning here at a later time to lament about some awkward or annoying occurence which has happened, since these events always come in turnstyles.
I've got the foreboding sense that all these good things are making way for something nasty. The calm before the storm. However, we'll all find out soon, won't we?

I hope you're alright, my friends, and perhaps some good things will come your way in time.

As an aside, I entered the CICC into a minor competition of sorts with a computer magazine. If they like it, I might get put on their board of favourite blogs and maybe even win a prize. Wish me luck, my crusaders!

And have a nice day
Posted by Hello


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