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Saturday, September 18, 2004

A working Saturday post from Brins

Posted by Hello Checking the previous post will net you my reference to the extended weekend holiday that myself and my fellow school pupils have at this point. Go on, feel free to have a look.

Well, it's only natural that we'd be left some work to do over this period (teachers can't have us doing nothing, after all), so I think I'll get ahead of the game and apply my classic strategy.

Top Tip For School Pupils

My recommendation would surely be that, whenever you get homework, be it school day or holiday, you should do it quickly. Not so quickly that it's done badly, but do it soon. Come home from a day of school, take a short break if you want, and get that work done - agonising to consider, but once you're at that table working, you achieve a state of what I like to call Exam-Zen: you become one with the work, all other things seem second priority until you've done everything there is to do.
It's the same for holidays. Do it all fairly early, leave yourself a lot of time. Trust me, you'll be thankful you did it, and that strange almost-guilty burden in the back of your mind will be no more.

So that's my suggestion. I'll certainly be doing it. Incidentally, if you're a school pupil, you can now get easy access to my school records to the right, above the options menu.

In other news, only one day to go 'til the Pirate Challenge ends! Come on, guys, take part!

See you tomorrow, then. Argh!


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For School Pupils:

Working with UCAS - S6 University applicants

The truth of S6 - S6

Shock therapy - S5 and below

Revision Planning - S3 and up



Rob on the net - Recommended by Brins

Talk to Rob - Chat with Robonthenet's Rob!

Walton Dell - Abandoned cottage in the woods

Omnicron RPG - free, downloadable game


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