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Thursday, February 24, 2005
  Challenge Revival

Having seen the critical acclaim Rob's challenges seem to have acquired, I am tempted to start one of my own again. Hopefully I can have the same luck as Rob (and who knows, maybe God will feel obliged to have a crack at mine as well).

However, my challenges aren't going to be about films. I prefer something a bit more interactive. So, here goes:

To take part, Email me a sound clip of yourself saying:

'However, I don't have time to deal with you!' in as similar a fashion to Dr. Wily as you can.

If there are multiple entries, I shall discuss with Rob which is best and declare a winner; if there is only one entry, they win by default; otherwise, no-one wins (since no-one enters).

Why bother? Well, give me your name and you'll be the first on the prestigious hall of fame (right)... BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!

If the winner sends me their email address, I will email them the first chapter of my epic novel, The Cave! And if your entry is really good... well, we'll just have to wait and see!

Seriously, that's a good prize. My most satisfying achievement in life lies in the writing of that book. Get this preview before the publishers lap it up!

Now you have no excuses. Send me your sounds!

Closing date: End of February


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

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For School Pupils:

Working with UCAS - S6 University applicants

The truth of S6 - S6

Shock therapy - S5 and below

Revision Planning - S3 and up



Rob on the net - Recommended by Brins

Talk to Rob - Chat with Robonthenet's Rob!

Walton Dell - Abandoned cottage in the woods

Omnicron RPG - free, downloadable game


(why is this bit still here?)







Dr. Wily's Revenge

Brins' Identity

Pirate Phrase Bonanza

Hall Of Fame

*tumbleweed rolls by*


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