
The Considerably Interesting Curricular Compendium

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Monday, November 22, 2004

A new step for Brins

Greetings, Squadron X. Now, after many years of burning desire, I've finally got a digital video camera, or camcorder! I've waited all my life for one of these, and now that I've got it, it's a lot smaller than I expected.

Nevertheless, it's about time I set up my own film company and made lots of money and became famous.

I think I'll call it... something.


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Friday, November 19, 2004

A stream of unnecessary links from Brins

To compensate for my lack of inefficiency, here's a bundle of miscellaneous and mostly-unaccountable links which I don't deem close enough to go in the links section:

- One day, out of complete boredom/apathy, I thought I'd test the mettle to find out who the first person to coin the url of GOD was. Disappointingly, it's just a stream of 'Christian links'. Oh well.

- Looks like the sun's not going to blow up in six years after all. [And no, I don't know why the heck it's called snopes.]

- Newsflash, everyone: destruction.com is no longer under construction [yes, it WAS once].

I hope that keeps you happy. Check out the middle one for a website infinitely more informative/interesting than mine.

To end this seemingly random post, I read the book of the dead, and did not once see Horus being referred to as 'KRST'. So I'm confused.

- Brins


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Plain old Brins

Here I am again, with another somewhat generic message to tell you all that there will be NO philosophy club until further notice due to "extenuous circumstances" which I'm not going into. What I can tell you pertains to this article on "uncertainty/random probability theory" on quantum physics. From what I read [and understood], this rather misleadingly named theory has nothing to do with uncertainty, or any kind of complete and total randomness of the Universe [what I thought when I saw it], but rather perception. Ever heard of Schrodinger? Well, find out for yourself! He said that unless you see the cat dying, it's not dead. Er... or something... I don't know.

But no, rather 'nothing exists until we see it'. A particle's energy cannot be defined taking into account the presence of the person watching it, so the scientists basically guess at what the values. It all sounds midly Descartes-ish to me, but what do you think?

No, I don't know what I'm talking about. Some-one comment me and let me know, because I'm confused.

Also, I was in charge of putting up/designing/printing posters for a fully licensed company of which I am now officially a member. I bought this exquisite yellow-tinted paper, which does the job in the eye-catching department anyday. Eyes turn like shuttlecocks. You really have to see it, but then again, you don't.

Now, goodbye before I confuse myself with more feeble scientific explanations.


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Monday, November 15, 2004

Special news from Brins

Well, I warned you that I was busy. But really, I'm afraid I'm only here to tell you that we've topped the 200 visitor mark. Keep it up, friends, you're all doing very well.


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Saturday, November 06, 2004

An important notice from Brins

It's time for that message which all pseudo-professional websites/blogs should have at some point or another: I have quite a busy schedule at the moment, and so expect slightly less updates over the next few days. You presumably didn't notice, but it's been a few days, and there was no summary of the week. Now I at least have an excuse if you don't see me for a while.

One thing that puzzles me, though. If you take a gander at the site meter down on the right, you'll see that there's an appallingly low visitor's count. It's been like that for some time, and seems to be getting gradually worse. Weeks ago, I had visitors in their tens each day!

So if this is related to the quality of this website, I'd like you to let me know what's changed about it that you don't like. I know an online diary isn't many people's cup of tea, but if you just pop a message into the guestbook or email me to let me know what you'd like changed, whether it's content or something I can't think to use as an example at the moment, I'll be happy to receive it.


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Monday, November 01, 2004

An eventful post from Brins

Hope I didn't give you too much of a scare last time. On the note of Halloween, I didn't see or get possessed by spirits of any form. What a disappointment. I didn't even have any guisers to greet warmly on my doorstep, nor a pumpkin, nor indeed anything ghostly or pertaining to the paranormal.

Too bad.

But in other news, I just noticed what's coming up now. We've barely gotten around the corner of Halloween when we're confronted by a massive bend in the form of the American Presidential Elections 2004!!!

Not being a politically minded person, I can't make any well backed statements about either George Bush or John Kerry, other than the ironic genericdom of their first names. Seriously, the world is ruled by someone called George. I mean, really...

I hope Bush stays, despite the thousands of collosally weighted arguments against that point of view, mainly because he's just too funny to leave. He cracks me up whenever I see or even hear him, which I think I recall mentioning here once more. (You may have noticed his less than flattering picture lower down the screen).


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments


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For School Pupils:

Working with UCAS - S6 University applicants

The truth of S6 - S6

Shock therapy - S5 and below

Revision Planning - S3 and up



Rob on the net - Recommended by Brins

Talk to Rob - Chat with Robonthenet's Rob!

Walton Dell - Abandoned cottage in the woods

Omnicron RPG - free, downloadable game


(why is this bit still here?)







Dr. Wily's Revenge

Brins' Identity

Pirate Phrase Bonanza

Hall Of Fame

*tumbleweed rolls by*


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