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Thursday, June 22, 2006
  For Paper (A Discussion)

Paper is a very useful material, but people don't tend to think about it very much.

Paper comes from trees, apparently. It doesn't make sense, does it? However, without paper, it would be difficult to write things down using pens and pencils. Cardboard is not the most amicable alternative.

But supposing a company were to come along and devise a new material to write on! In this age of people discovering new, fantastic ways of doing things that people have taken for granted, who's to say that another chapter won't be written in the book of paper... using an alternative material to paper!

But what will this wonder-material be? Plastic? Metal? Cling-film? Dust? Butter? Or something else...?

While pondering this excitable notion, let's recount an interesting story. In my high school, I had heard rumours - for many years - about one classroom containing a high-tech blackboard. This blackboard was operated by something called a computer (we didn't really get taught about those things when I was a lad), and it worked in a special way. The teacher pointed at it with a computer-pen-type-object, and markings appeared on the board, as if it were a piece of chalk!!

Yes, already, computers were being used to provide writing implements (assuming this rumour was true). Therefore, who knows?! Who knows what the future holds for paper??

Oh... wait, they already have word processors on computers, don't they? Ah, well. Can't win 'em all!

'For Paper' discussion: INVALIDATED.


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