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Friday, September 24, 2004

An Elvisish post from Brins
Dave's happy, I'm happy
Some interesting new information, my grapefruits! It would appear as though a talent show is coming up, and - for the first time in a reasonable number of years (not to mention a rather disappointingly unfulfilled opportunity last year - ) I'm putting on my blue suade shoes and hitting the stage as Elvis in what will liably be a spectacular finale to my Elvis history (all starting in Stars in their Eyes).

But in other news, it's yet another nice quiet day in for me, while I've overheard it to be otherwise for others.

Alas, I missed out on the philosophy club today, but apparently it involved Locke and his (debatably) famous theory: 'We can't prove that anything exists outside our heads!', exclamation mark included. I'll leave you to slavour over this particular question and see if you can do what one of the (again, debatably) greatest minds in philosophy never quite got his 'head' round (heehee). It surprises me that no-one else ever thought of this question before him, but there you go.

In case you haven't noticed, there's now an 'e-mail Brins' section at the top of the right-hand menu. Feel free to e-mail comments on the site, suggestions for improvements, and whatever else you may feel fitting. Perhaps this might encourage people to take part in the challenges.

That's all for updates, I'll see you when I have something more interesting to say!
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