
The Considerably Interesting Curricular Compendium

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Saturday, June 12, 2004

A 'fair'ly purposeful post from Brins

Today is a very special day, because it's the school fair! I love this time of year, since you'd be surprised at the stuff you can find there; furthermore, it's great fun, especially if people I know are there. Just last year I picked up some unprecedented articles, such as a hilarious Mario Bros. cartoon video (there was a Sonic the Hedgehog one too, but I didn't get it; hopefully, it'll turn up again this time) and an old Megaman game for the NES - which I can't even play, seeing as how I don't own the system any more - which I might be able to make useful some day. Now, if, by some amazing co-incidence, the person reading this actually knows me, and will be there (though that's as likely as Thomas Jefferson shooting King Harold) then perhaps I'll see you there! But don't worry, I won't, because you won't be there since - as has been stressed before - you probably don't exist.

But it'll be fun


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Friday, June 11, 2004

A standard post from Brins

It's me once again, posting basically to tell you, my friend(s), that the new year has begun, and we're all off back to school as it were; which reminds me that the 'back to school' clothing campaign should be starting soon (you'll find they usually start it before school actually ends, which is something of a paradox in itself). Of course, the campaign's something of a school legend, really. Most people are quite happily enjoying their holiday, when suddenly school's thrown in their face in the form of a bunch of smiling happy people in school uniform. I'm sure you might know what I'm talking about.
But aside from that, there's not much to say. No time for respite regarding school, which has to be done, really, as otherwise we probably wouldn't have the whole course for subjects completed in time for the exams. A disheartening thought, but it's true (at least for Physics).
Speaking of Physics, I'm on the 'Advanced Higher Physics' roster now, which may sound 'sciencifical' or 'complicatixy' to some, but really, it's little more than a collection of formulae and concepts which actually can make sense if you look at them in a certain way.

I'm a strange case, in that I take Drama and Music. I can assure you there's no-one in either of those classes taking Advanced Higher Physics, which is irritating because the school only seems to back the little-known stereotype that academics and cultures don't mix: I had a lot of trouble managing to take subjects like Physics and Maths along with Drama and Music, as it wasn't expected for people to want such a combination. I think that in this light I should distribute some more information for any visitor who should both happen to be reading this and be ready to make subject choices: I'd recommend doing the academic subjects the year before the cultural ones should you be unable to take both types at once (except modern languages, because you'd liably lose fluency in that subject should you skip a year), as it's better to 'unwind' with things like Music and Drama at the end of school, rather than be worked to the bone on your final year. This would probably be recommendable, as realistically, academic qualifications would be far more important for work than cultural ones (unless you wanted to be involved in teaching in that field or something which you'd need qualification in). What I mean is you don't need degrees to be a private composer or director, do you? Or do you...?... Don't take my word for fact, because I might not know much about it at all. I'm talking from a personal point of view.

You could say this is a very long post. Long and needless, but seeing as how no-one is aware of the existence of this blog, it doesn't really matter; it's the thought that counts.


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Thursday, June 03, 2004

A happy post from Brins

Hello again, do you remember me? Of course you don't! Nevertheless, believe it or not, the COMMENT system is, for whatever reason, working once more. Isn't that great?! Now all we need are some comments, so keep those views trickling in!

You may (not) recall my last post referring to the beginning of the SQA examinations. Well, they're over. It means myself and many other lucky Scottish people get some time with virtually no responsibility at all, or at least we'd like to think so. But truth be told, there's always something.

If you want a feedback on the rest of my exams, I can sum them up with the indisputably most flexible, ingeniously manipulative word in the English language (aside from antidisestablishmentarianism):


Now that that's out of the way, have a nice life, solar system. And should Stan Lee happen upon our happy little hovel, have a nice life as well; because I know I might.

That's all, goodbye


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments


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For School Pupils:

Working with UCAS - S6 University applicants

The truth of S6 - S6

Shock therapy - S5 and below

Revision Planning - S3 and up



Rob on the net - Recommended by Brins

Talk to Rob - Chat with Robonthenet's Rob!

Walton Dell - Abandoned cottage in the woods

Omnicron RPG - free, downloadable game


(why is this bit still here?)







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Brins' Identity

Pirate Phrase Bonanza

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*tumbleweed rolls by*


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