Brins' Profile (About Brins)

You know, I was just looking at my Blogger profile for the first time in a fair while (you can find the profile under 'Brins' Profile' on that menu to the right). It's a small enough profile, but I found the 'Interests' part interesting, because it made me remember that I've always dreaded the question of 'interests', or rather 'hobbies', because I've never felt that I have any proper ones.
Looking on that interests list, you can see things like 'programming', 'badminton', 'singing', 'acting', 'writing'. I think writing was there, anyway. Now, it's true, I suppose these are all 'interests' of mine; however, I haven't touched a badminton racquet for about four years; I don't programme (that's the British spelling, and I know it's never used, but I thought I might as well) in my own time; I'm not an actor or member of an acting society; and I don't sing in my free time. I wouldn't write either, except that I've been working on that Giblock Holmes and Dr. Clarkson story I post a little of here some months ago.
The point is, these are the kinds of things I'd roll off to say they're my interests, but I rarely practice any of them. I sometimes wonder if this is a common thing, or whether it's just me.
That's one way of looking at it; however, another way is that, regardless of whether you practice them, these can all be interests of yours. You might not have held a golf club for some years, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't like to if you found yourself standing on a golf course; perhaps you haven't impersonated Elvis Presley for a while, but, if a crowd were rooting for you as you stood behind the curtain at a stage, you'd leap on and dance away. So, you haven't acted for some time; but you still would love to act.
To my mind, there's a difference between 'hobbies' and 'interests', in the sense that you practice hobbies, and you don't necessarily practice interests. Those things that are interests can become hobbies, and to my mind, they are spiritually the same.
So I guess there isn't any need to dread the question of hobbies, really. They are all interests that aren't realised right now.
...Or are they?! HA HA HA HA HA!!! Ahem. I still think they are.