What a cliff-hanger: VICTORY FOR DR. X?! OR IS THE HEAT REALLY ON?? (Part 2)

Dr. X cackles in the form of madness, staring at Action Man with his red laser eye... yet Action Man is struggling to resist the Doctor's
EVIL, twisted psyche!!
"It's all over for you, Action Man! Mini-suns, capture Action Man!!" Dr. X orders his truly heinous creations to attack the Man of Action! Surely they aren't a match for him?!
"You won't win, Dr. X! It's my mission to put a stop to you... forever!! I will resist your mind games!!" And with that, Action Man is promptly
ACCOSTED by the rather-annoying mini-sun army! And quickly knocked to the ground! Oh no!!!
"At last! I don't believe it... I've - I've defeated Action Man!" Lightning
STRIKES from absolutely nowhere, and somehow casts a
SHADOW over Dr. X's
CACKLING FACE, even though it's daytime!! And there are no windows!!
"That's it, you brainless narrator. Mini-suns, capture him as well!"
Oh - oh no!! Wait, stop! No, do- *THUMP*
Several hours later...
Action Man wakes up... but he's trapped inside some kind of cube!! It - it's a prison!!
"That accursed Dr. X! Even the narrator isn't safe anymore!" Action Man goes into a furious rage, attacking the iron bars of the prison... but it
DOESN'T HELP!! The bars are still there, and Action Man's hand is
QUITE SORE!! The Man quietly sits down and contemplates his situation...
"I can't believe it... after all these years... it's just - I can't - Dr. X's plan all along was to take over the world? I can't accept it... but - but - I know it's true! I have finally been captured, for the first time in my life!" Action Man is in grief; grief which, perhaps, nobody on the planet can understand except from him. Indeed, nobody in the entire
But suddenly...
"What? Are those... footsteps I hear?"
The ominous sound of footsteps echoing down some kind of long, white, marble corridor approach the cube that is Action Man's truly
EVIL prison!
"Action Man! How could this happen to you..."
"What? But... it's impossible! Yo

u're - "
"Don't you know, Action Man, that as long as you listen to your heart, you cannot be defeated! Even by Dr. X!"
"But - but - it's no use! Don't you understand?! He's destroyed me... now that I know his true plans, and now that I've let him capture me while I was shocked... I'm not worthy of being considered Action Man anymore. I'm... just... Worthless Man!"

"How can you ever overcome Dr. X if you can't look beyond what you think? You're no less defeated now than you ever have been. Dr. X has attacked your mind, but he can never destroy your heart! And as long as you have the will to go on, and to do your very best, you can never be stopped! You can do it, Action Man! You can stop Dr. X!"
"Wait!! Melissa, don't go!!"
"You can do it, Action Man! Just believe..."
STILL FADING AWAY!! "...in your heart..." Gone, now.
Action Man is left amazed, and revitalised!!
"Melissa's right! For a moment there, I forgot what it means to be Action Man: to fight for what is right, to believe in yourself, and to stop Dr. X!! YAAH!" Somehow, Action Man climbs the conveniently-placed ladder within his prison cell, and I follow him, taking us both to THE ROOFTOP!!
A MASSIVE army of mini-suns pans out across the roof, in assembly form, while Dr. X screams from a colossal podium with his face on it!
"My mini-suns, we have defeated Action Man! Now, my plans are almost complete!! There is only one thing left to do: fly to America, hover around people until they get annoyed by your presence, after which... I, DOCTOR X, will return to my glorious shores and TAKE OVER THE WHOLE WORLD!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
"First rule of English, X: no more than two exclamation marks per sentence!!!"
The mini-suns gasp, and those down the centre draw to the side, as Action Man walks straight through the centre of the assembly, heading in the direct direction of the most EVIL Doctor himself! Why, it's like something out of some kind of film!!
"And the first rule of Action Man: no more Dr. X!"
And with one swift kick, Action Man knocks all 395 mini-suns off the roof, after which we shall assume they have flown off to another planet or something.
"And now, X. It's just me and you."

"Action Man?! Im-impossible! I crushed your very being in my iron grip, and cast you to my roof-hatched prison! How can you still be yourself?!"
"Because I remembered what it means to be Action Man... something which YOU will never understand, Dr. X! As long as you try to take over the world!"
"Hmph! There is only one thing I want, Action Man - and that is, indeed, to rule the world. No, I will never understand you. Because THIS IS ME, and I will destroy you!! Observe!"

"Too bad, Dr. X! Who needs guns when you have... fists?!" Action Man KICKS THE GUN out of the EVIL hand of Dr. X, and kicks him to the ground! Presumably, he is defeated!
"You may have won this time, Action Man, but as long as I have my PhD from Kentucky University, I will rise again!"
"Whatever you say, Doctor. I know that you will once again be behind another dastardly scheme; for now, though, let's see how you like being BEHIND BARS!!"
"Ah! Where do these awful jokes come from?!" Action Man would prefer not to answer that question.
SO, arriving back in America...
Action Man PERSONALLY OBSERVES Dr. X being placed in prison. The evil Doctor sneers EVILLY at him from behind the bars, but our hero has one last thing to say.
"You know, Doctor X, I've never asked this before: just what is your Doctorate actually for?"
"I don't know, you fool! But this I do know: one day, Action Man will fall, and the world will belong to Dr. X!"
"We'll see, Doctor. But there's something I also know."
Action Man TURNS TO FACE THE CAMERA, even though there isn't one, but it would look good if this were on TV; at least, if you ask me.
"And that's that as long as I believe in my heart, and remember that I'm fighting for justice, mankind, all creatures, and all things, then I will never fall... and Dr. X will never prevail!"
Action Man gives one last thumbs-up to our pre-establishedly non-existent camera, after which it's time to close this tear-jerking story of pain, loss, triumph, and redemption.
THE END[Note: the copyrights of any and all images shown in this post, or indeed in any post on any of my blogs, are the property of their respective owners. I say this because while I was searching for images to use in this post, I found a picture that said not to use it without requesting it. I didn't use that one, of course, but it made me decide I ought to put this message here just in case this issue could crop up with any other pictures I ever use. So, there you go!]