The Great Debate (About Brins)
There is no debate. However, I've got good news: Rob, of
robonthenet, very kindly asked me to draw a comic for his new blog, the
Land of Rob. Now, you may not be aware that I quite famously cannot draw, at all, but this never stopped me from making my very own fan-favourite (I'm the fan) series of comics over the past six years. I have a chest of them that's practically full to bursting with hundreds (literally) of pages of positively insane plots, characters, and jokes. Insane is a term used quite mildly these days, so the meaning of that word in this context is probably lost on you all. No amount of adjectives can really convey what those comics of mine are, which is a shame. You'd no doubt hate them, anyway.
Nonetheless, since Rob asked me to draw comics for him, I've finally put in the effort to make one on the computer. Now, I've learned from this that it's very hard to put across the drawing style I have in normal life on the computer. (For one thing, it seems to be impossible to get the kind of close-up, large-eye image that I've mastered to look like I want it to, but nevermind.) Mind you, it probably would look the same to anyone else. There are some weird conventions I've developed through drawing my comics which would probably confuse people who hadn't seen them, but don't worry. I won't explain them, and you'll get used to them.
It's based on an idea I had, out of the blue, several months ago at the end of my exams (strange, isn't it?). The details are securely locked in a non-existent vault, deep within an imaginary dungeon on a mysteriously not-there island.
If you want to see the comics, you'd better keep checking the
Land of Rob!