Shiver me Plank the Shorten me Avast thar Landlubbers argh (Special Occasion)
It's another International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day! The only day dedicated to talking like a pirate, argh!
Shiver me timbers, thar needs be more days o' pirates, matey boy! I'll keelhaul nobody if thar day 'n't made f'r the plank ta be walked down!
Jim lad, in the name o' all th' pirates in the Spanish main, let's talk like pirates!
No pillagin', though. 'r murderin'. 'r terrorisi'n. F'teen men, they've really dumbed down the pirate theme o'r this holiday, 'a'n't they?
Now, let me consult me Pirate Phrase Compendium (argh, charted o'er a year ago by the same on' as me!):
The Pirate Phrase Compendium (documenting both phrases and translations since 2004)
Argh! -
Hand over all your gold!Avast, ye landlubbers! -
Hello there, my good men!Swab the decks! - Could you please be so kind as to clean the top of my ship?Walk the plank! - I'd like you to walk across this board and fall into the sea.Shiver me timbers! - Something unexpected has happened (generally not bad)Die! - Die!I'll keel-haul ye!- I'm going to inflict pain on you!Shorten sail! - Do something useful.Batten down the hatches! - Shut the hatches for some reason!Hand over all your gold! - Argh!Land-ho! - There's land over there, chaps!Oh-ay, me 'earties! - Greetings, noble comrades, I like you!Pieces of eight! - An undefined quantity of currency!X marks the spot! - If you were to dig up this X, treasure would be found!15 men on a dead man's chest - Pirate's equivalent to '99 bottles of beer on the wall'Hoist the Jolly Roger! - Raise that flag with the skull and the two bones!Blast 'em down! - Fire the cannon at an angle sufficient to combat turbulance and air pressure, as well as taking into account the cannon ball's mass!Destroy the world! - (Speaks for itself.)Ye'll never take us alive! - If you wish to capture us, please kill us beforehand.