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Monday, July 04, 2005
  Continents (Stevenson)

"And so, all the continents of the world were brought together with the infamed 'Water Breaker', a feat never before conceived, and one which would prosper under Garret's Enclosure system. The world could move from the artificial to the natural.
The moon was embraced for launching; now referred officially to as 'Apollo', all the trams were ready for launch.

There had been a recent, subtle revival of New Complete on the scientific field, largely delegated to small, insignificant groups of young, upstart sociologists, in their elitist desires to delegate all the world to a fish-bowl. It was a thing which the larger portion of the public would obviously be uninterested in, while the chief scientific community really had more important matters to be nibbling at. With those who were aware, there was some concern as to the supremely-diabolical, genocidically-volatile, apocolyptic form of the idea, but it wasn't a big deal.

Dr. Capsid got on the tram."

Find out who wrote it. Go on!...? No, there is no reason to. Still, the hall of fame awaits...


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Working with UCAS - S6 University applicants

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Walton Dell - Abandoned cottage in the woods

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