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Monday, June 27, 2005
  So, Brins Has Finally Left School (About Brins/Essay)

Well, that took a while. Those of you who have been around since I started this site will know that I've been writing here from the late-second-last, to final, year at school. Those essays I wrote for school pupils, which you can get to on the right, were meant to spare some people some seriously unnecessary fears and worries at the hands of those exaggerating, panic-striking teachers.

Because if there's one thing I ever learned from school, especially secondary, it's that the teachers will stop at nothing to scare you into thinking things which aren't true. That, and make your every school year the 'most important one in your life'. And don't laugh, they really do that. Read the essays, please, for your own sake.

Despite that, the point is that I've left. I'd really love to write more essays to help others out there, and I hopefully will at some stage. Unfortunately, my desire to write about school-related things will no doubt deteriorate very soon. Nonetheless, I'll fight the urge to stop for all of your sakes.

It seems that Rob has gone around taunting his fellow younger people about them being at school and him not. Outrageous, Rob! 10,000 lines! Oh wait, you're not at school.

*sigh*You know, leaving school has felt resoundingly normal for me. That's actually what I wanted it to be, but it's a bad sad. I cannot even conceive how many hours I must have spent in younger years, dreaming of leaving one day. Well, that day has passed, and there was no dancing. It's better this way, though, since a big deal would make a big sad! Cheer up, gang!

Anyway, I was going to tell you about the prom in as un-longwinded and un-pretentious a way as possible. So: it was really quite unspectacular.
You see, it's hard to explain, or even appreciate, the fact that you're leaving behind people who you have essentially been stuck in a building with for 13 years of your life (strange way of putting it, but... well, it's true!). Most of whom you will never see again. To be honest, the prom didn't do a good job of being a 'last congregation', or indeed anything special. Anyone there could easily have thought that we would all be back at school the next day. It's sad, because it didn't seem right. No special songs, farewells, speeches, whatever. Just the obligatory shaking of hands at the end (bah! I hate that!).

I'll sum up the evening: we got there, we went to some tables and ate some posh food (which tasted average, of course), then proceeded to either:

1) wander around aimlessly for 5 hours
2) dance for a while before switching to 1)

I think that sums it up. It baffles me as to who's idea this set-up was, but what baffles (and frightens) me even more is what on earth that Prom Commitee spent all the money on. I have a feeling alcohol was involved...

It sounds bad from what I've said, but, unless you really hate everyone from your entire year, you'll probably actually enjoy yourself. Wandering aimlessly (what Rob and I chose to do the entire evening) was kind of fun, since we met teachers and talked to people. Plus, we weren't wedged in that atrocious music-hall of insanely loud Scottish country music. Yeah!

You know, the final, 'big finale' song (though it really wasn't) was just a verse or two of 'Auld Lang Syne'. I remember telling Rob that I was sad to see them playing and dancing to that as a great celebration - a song that has nothing to do with any of them, they should really admit it - rather than something like the 'Juniper Green' anthem, 'Children of Today' (not a pop song, a primary school song), or the dreaded 'Leaver's Song' *shudder*. Ah, well. It wasn't so bad.

What's yet to come is that chunk of young people, the 'Year Book'. As if we couldn't get any more American. Actually, that book is the last remnant I am ever going to receive of my year, presumably, which is why I treasure its arrival. Although a lot of people I knew went weird and 'pseudo-mature' last year, I still want to see what each of them has to say (at least since I never talked to them at any other time). I really hope they've taken a serious approach to it, making it something which we'll look back on with fondness and nostalgia, but who am I kidding? They're Scottish.

If ONLY I could have designed the cover. That way, they'd certainly never lose the thing in future. In fact, they'd probably collapse in laughter every time they tried to open it.

Ah! I almost forgot to say! There's a certain teacher who has promised to get me a certain video for the last 6 months. Before leaving school, he took my phone number and said he'd 'phone when it was available'... no, of course I won't get it. But, if you are him, or if you somehow know him from my nonexistent description, please get me my video. I'd appreciate that.

Quick comment check: does anyone want me to comment on that book when I get it?


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