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Sunday, June 26, 2005
  Angst (Essay, followed by pointless statements)

Well, after all these years, I finally decided to look up the word 'angst' in the dictionary.
...what? Huh? A - you thought this post would be about angst? Mine?! Haven't you read Philosophy Brins?! Besides, I don't have any! When will you meddling kids learn?

Well, no! What I was going to say was, isn't that word scatt all over the internet these days? Every website out there is going 'angst' this, 'angst' that, 'angst' those, 'angst' Solar System, 'angst' Bernard, etc.

A quick question: does anyone out there know the exact meaning of the word? Well, here it is, according to dictionary.com (includes Indo-European roots!):

A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.

Wasn't that interesting? Huh?... I see...

In that case, cheer up, because I have something even more awesome to say - something!
Ho ho ho! Now then, it turns out that a collection of important people is going to talk to itself (actually, it's 'are going to talk to each-other', but how does 'a collection' talk to another itself? Hm...).

I am, of course, talking about that event involving important people. What's it called? It doesn't matter.

The reason why this affects me is because Captain Fate has plotted a course for my very home town - Edinburgh - to hold this prestigious thing. Word on the street... well, a series of words in the paper (which, in themselves, were carefully sorted into sentences and paragraphs)... suggests that there's a BIG PROTEST against the aforementioned 'collection of important people' talking to each-other, which I find a bit mean. Conversation is generally healthy, I think, but apparently 1 million people disagree, so what do I know?...

...well, I know that anyone living in Edinburgh should really stay indoors or something, since protests usually involve pain, and no-one likes pain, so just hide until it's over.

What I wonder is why the important people felt it was a good idea to stage the event (I remember now, it's the 'G8 Summit') in Edinburgh, as opposed to some insignificant treasure island in the ocean where they might have less likelihood of being protested against/assaulted/insulted/marched around/attacked with bottles/put in a position where the police must be called/forced to escape the building/made to watch from afar as 1 million people decide that they might as well destroy everything in the immediate area...

...than in a bustling, heavily-populated, and shop-filled capital city.

Actually, there's probably a very good reason. If there is, then that's a real shame, because otherwise, our collection of important people might have had a chance to talk to each-other.

Side note: I've got a feeling that everyone outside of Edinburgh is completely oblivious to this big meeting, partly since I have been as well until it's come here. If you're one of the confused, don't worry about it.

Very serious note: If you do live in Edinburgh, then I have to implore you that you seriously should not go to where-ever this meeting is being held, under any circumstances. There will be protests, there will be riots, and there will be casualties - don't be one of them.

You see, it's all very well standing up for your protesting cause (or whatever it is), but it's simply not worth it when the windows start breaking. And the windows will break. Will. WILL!

This meeting has been jabbered on about for weeks now on the news, so I'm looking forward to when it finally completes. It will be nice to see what wonders will be done by our important people when they come to an agreement.

And now, a word from our wonderful sponsor:

James: And now, a word from our wonderful sponsor:

Peter: And now, a word from our wonderful sponsor:

Captain Fate: Argh! And now, a word from our *avast* wonderful spons-*walk the plank*-or:

Jeffrey Pulickan(no, he doesn't exist): And now, a word from our wonderful sponsor:

Person 75: When everyone in the world was numbered from 1 to 6 billion, I was excited. However, just my luck, I was beaten to top spot by a riddin' 74 people. To cope with this emotional trauma, buy my cereal!

In the words of the happy ice-cream man: 'It's Sugar Free!'

There's a lot of famous people out there who think they're better than you, isn't there? To deal with them, don't turn on your television; switch off your computer; bar all doors and windows, lock yourself in a dark cupboard; closed your eyes, put your hands over your eyes; place two large blocks of cement over your ears; block your nose (somehow); de-activate your taste buds (Super Man can do it! Are you going to be beaten by Super Man?!); and stand there for a while. As long as you're there doing this, they probably won't get to you (though that's a big probably).

It's Sunday, so let's be happy. Now then, to the bridge!

As long as everyone's happy, if you have any comments to make, you might as well make them on this post (record).

Meanwhile, I am officially billing this as the most random record I've ever made for the CICC.

You would actually be surprised at how hard it is to think of a good, all-encompassing way of ending all this. I'm sure I would too.


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

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