Time to Sort These Things! (Site Update)
As you can see in this title, I'm trying to categorise the posts made on the CICC, so you can tell in advance to skip the big, long essays (unless you actually want to read them). This should be handy for frequent, busy visitors, and to find what you want out of the archives.
I hope this improves the user-friendliness of my site.
Here's the tentative code system, with the code represented by the bracketed part of post titles:
Essay - fairly large - large post, likely about some issue on which I am no expert, but you might like to read what I have to say on it anyway.
Site Update - a post giving info. about an update to the CICC
Review - a review on something from me (Brins). So far, there's just one of these - the Mario Kart: Double Dash post.
Challenge - a post referencing one of my competitions which you can take part in. Whether or not I make any more depends on whether anyone ever actually enters one.
About Brins - it's about me and things that are/have happened to me. I made a few of these at the beginning of the CICC - hence the name 'Curricular Compendium' - but sort of sidled away from it, as I appreciate that no-one cares what happens to me. Still, some more might come along.
Something Else - until I bother to think up some more categories, everything that doesn't fit into the other things goes here.
This is the system I aim to follow in future, and I will be applying it to previous entries over the next ever. Hardcore veterans of the CICC (you never know!!) may fondly remember a time when I didn't title my posts/records, but referred to them as 'A [something] post from Brins'. Yes! I will give them a title!
In case you're thinking, 'wow! Brins has been planning this for some time!' I haven't. I suddenly thought of it now. That's the way inspiration works, you see. It just comes to you.
Rob and I find that listening to old video game MIDI files helps it too. Don't we, Rob?