The School Game: This (About Brins)
Over the one-and-a-half years I've been working on The School Game, it's transformed from a joke-game made for my fellow school-pupils to have a laugh at, into a massive epic which I now have serious thoughts of turning into a novel and maybe even a film one day (in theory; it's not going to happen, but I think there's some great material in it). I've never shown anyone the game, so no-one actually knows much about it except from me, but it's strange how it's turned out.
The thing is, I was always planning to finish the game and show it to everyone... but now that school's over almost completely, that's not going to happen. It's just a bit sad that I never got round to completing it to give them it, as it received some degree of interest from at least a few people.
The only solution I could think of would be to set up a website one day and shove it there, in the hope that my old classmates would find and download it, but that's a serious long-shot.
It's been an off-and-on project for the whole time, but it's sort of drawing to what could be described as a close (I finally know everything that's going to happen, I just haven't implemented it all yet), which is really weird for me as its creator.
I just thought I'd let you know about this, since it's something relating to me. Plus, I mentioned it away back near the blog's birth last year (I'd love it if you were to check the archives for it - I'd feel very appreciated).
On another note, Rob's Blerns & Sob movie is taking some twists and turns that will surely shock all loyal Blerns & Sob fans out there (which doesn't make any sense since no-one can see any of their episodes except us), and veer the series in a new direction. Check out and ask Rob about it if you want.