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Friday, May 06, 2005
  Marriage Problems (Essay)

Sorry to bring this up again, but this just takes the biscuit for me (Scaramonga again, replying):

"My Uncle's partner of 40 years died a year or so ago. My Uncle'partner's legal family was estranged and it took them two months to claim the body from the coronor. Only then could he be buried. It was a burden to travel for the family.
It is a difficulty for all involved. There must be an easier way for some rights to be worked out.

Posted by: Crackpot PRess at April 20, 2005 12:37 PM

'My Uncle's partner of 40 years died a year or so ago...'
Boy, that's a real tear-jerker. So there are consequences for deviant behavior after all? Who knew?
'It is a difficulty for all involved. There must be an easier way for some rights to be worked out.'
No need. Sexually abnormal behavior doesn't deserve "rights."

Posted by: Scaramonga at April 20, 2005 12:47 PM


I cannot reserve much respect for Scaramonga's stance after reading this; this is out-and-out prejudice, cruelty and lack of empathy whatsoever for people living in different circumstances to him/herself, let alone their tragically early demise. If Scaramonga somehow ends up reading this (you never know), I would appreciate a seriously good explanation for what you said up there if you want to be taken seriously by me.


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

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