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Thursday, May 05, 2005
  Dirge For A Blackboard

Something very sad happened today - there is a very special room at myself and Rob's school where we tend to go during free time (we stay as far away from the common room as possible - be warned, that room doesn't suit everyone), and in it is a very special blackboard which we've spent the whole year drawing all kinds of excitingly unrelated things on; bananas, ghosts and Ash from Pokemon to name a few.

However, after an entire year of blood, sweat, and tears, it's just taken a few brisk swipes with a duster to take it all away. My guess is the room was being used for an exam and they took it off so they wouldn't get distracted.

Upon seeing this, my first action was to immediately draw a face ordering for it not to be scrubbed again and to move the board up if it needed to be blank. Then Rob told me it seemed too cruelly angry, so I made it sad.

I don't know if we can be bothered to fight back with more drawings, but it's really a shame to see something we've worked hard on get taken away like that. We feel like the McDonalds brothers or something.


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