Brins Reviews (Essay)
I hope I haven't been giving off an angry impression over the last few posts; after considering my reference to Scaramonga from and some stuff I said earlier, I wonder if I've appeared annoyed or irritated about the subject. That really isn't the case - it's hard to speak about such things without coming across as hateful. I also have a habit of saying and writing about things without delving into them (there are actually a few more reasonable angles to the marriage situation on the site - they're still against it, but at least their reasons are more respectable, though I still don't understand what the big deal is about it.). Plus, I've got a nagging feeling that Scaramonga is going to waltz in here and completely decimate me for what I said; it still stands that his statement was unreasonable, but then he may have very personal and complex reasons for making it which should be respected - I've learned over my time that it's possible to come to any conclusion if certain things are observed or happen in someone's life. People are complicated.
I notice that my writing style seems to suggest an air of superiority or authority - ignore it, because I really don't harbour such feelings. My supreme lack of self-esteem/confidence is quite apparent if you meet me in real life, and I can assure you that I'm not at all smart or clever. I actually hate to think of people as being 'clever' or 'stupid' - that's just unfair.
Agh!! Why do I bother?! The CICC isn't exactly a popular site anyway; people see it, look at it and move on; Scaramonger has better things to do than read this stuff; I've got the flu; let's leave politics behind, it scares me. Too complicated, too confusing for me.
That reminds me, did I ever mention my patented 'everlasting cold'? Since I was 3 years old and for years after I always had a snivel. I called it the everlasting cold. That's something interesting for you, plus it helps to swerve the blog back to what it's supposed to be: a Curricular Compendium.
Still, I hope you've had a good laugh at the mal-informed comments I've been making on American politics recently. And if Scaramonga actually is there, don't kill me. I'm ill!
Update: Blogsforbush kind of scares me now, since it looks to me to be more filled with hatred for what they refer to as the Democrats and 'left wing' than the aformentioned Democrats and 'left wing' have for them!
Nonetheless, I felt like looking there today just to see if they'd changed perspective (they haven't), but what I did find was a
post regarding same-gender marriage which finally approached the issue more level-headedly, giving acknowledgement to the movement's proponents, and addressing the fact that their opposition to it is being misportrayed as dismissing homosexuality, while their actual stance is regarding the political reactions to any Constituational amendments which would take place for it; they are speaking out 'against' it in order that the issue be taken more seriously in political terms - the concern is that dealing with it too quickly or simply could undermine law and bring about dangerous amendment attempts as a consequence. This is a position which I can certainly respect, though it doesn't explain the apparent ulterior motives behind blogsforbush's opposition to the marriage issue.
Unfortunately, immediately after this post come a barrage of comments from 'Reverend Scaramonga', deriding the marriage approval movement as evil and immoral.
Scaramonga's views don't concern me; what does is the unusual lack of notice his anger-ridden comments get. Hardly anyone seems willing to question any of his principles, and the one person who did (see my previous post) was quickly smashed down.
Blogsforbush needs to broaden their perspective a bit. I'd love to see some different views and stances present and discussed maturely, rather than just one which is echoed through all the comment listings... or obliterated.
If this happened, I'd go there again. Until then, I'm staying well away - the site feels too angry.