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Saturday, April 02, 2005
  Happy Easter (Short Essay)

A bit late, I know, but Happy Easter anyway. I've been forgetting the website, so I thought I'd update it.

One thing I noticed, though, is that we're coming up to the CICC's first anniversary. To celebrate, let's do absolutely nothing.

...that is, unless you have any ideas...?

On a more serious note, the Pope is on his deathbed now. At the time of writing, I'm not sure if he's dead or not, but let's take down all religious boundaries for a few moments (forever ideally, but let's be realistic) and give him the respect he deserves as a person. To echo a news-report I saw last night, we may have all had disagreements with some of his convictions, but we should nonetheless appreciate his dedication and commitment to the cause of helping those less fortunate and so on.

Society being as it is today, there is probably some form of dark side to the Pope which the media will be unearthing and conspiracy-theorists will be parading over; I have to admit that I don't know enough about him to suggest such a thing, or indeed to suggest the absence of such a thing; but then, who's name is completely white, really?


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