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Friday, March 11, 2005
  An Announcement (Short Essay)

You may be interested to know that I've written a short essay regarding characters unlike that of myself (Brins); it's unrefined and needs to be expanded on slightly at the moment, so I won't post it yet. Still, it gives you something to look forward to.

You may remember my Passing Places critique (I wouldn't call it a review, since it only really argues one point on the whole production); ironically, it seems as though I'm performing that exact play as part of my Drama exam (alongside The Crucible... I hope I do not startle you). In particular, it's the final scene where Binks catches up with our fair heroes.

This reminds me of one more thing I have to say for Passing Places: in the final scene, Shaper (the one Brian and Alex went to see about selling the surf-board) overcomes Binks by claiming to be able to communicate with his dead brother, Ronnie. Setting aside my criticisms about Alex's character development contrasting the plot, this was a golden opportunity for Stephen Greenhorn to make up for some of it by having Alex be the one who overcomes Binks; symbolically quelling his past fears and ties, and embracing his new self.

The problem is, Shaper does it all for him; everyone else just stands there petrified; so Alex comes out of there having learned/defeated nothing: he's still afraid of Binks. This causes the last moments he has with Mirren - as well as his final line, 'I'm just letting it happen' - to be drained considerably of impact.

Anyway, that's all for now.


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