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Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas One And All, From Brins

Merry Christmas to all you young people (like me) partying out on the town and raving away at the 'hottest clubs' (unlike me)

Merry Christmas to the most honourable adult population, without whom the world would fall into chaos and anarchy

Merry Christmas to all the elderly, whoever and wherever they may be, that you might find some peace of heart in this insane world

And, of course, Merry Christmas to everyone/thing else

Furthermore, even if you hate Christmas and any/all that it might stand for, Merry Christmas (nevertheless, be thankful. We need all the holidays we can get!)

Then again, if you really hated Christmas you would have left the second you saw the post's title.

Bah, being an innocent, naive and frankly placid individual, I have yet to witness any of the harshnesses of reality, and thus can't yet appreciate any refutations of a 'season of goodwill', 'peace on Earth' and so on.
Yet, there is an uncanny truth in that all things, however horrendous, end eventually. The world is a place of eternal change, both in nature and in life.

Every one of you take peace and comfort in the fact that you'll die one day. If it weren't for death, life would probably be the most depressing ordeal in existence.

So many of you will find this message depressing or inhumane; but read over it again. Read it closely. I think you'll find that the real message contained here is probably the happiest one anyone can ever take solace and comfort in.

I'm a strange person, am I not? Don't worry, I'm just a kid - unlike most others out there, I admit that the things I say are most likely complete nonsense. Be thankful!

You heard me already, and you hear me again: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

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