The Considerably Interesting Curricular Compendium
The home of Blerns & Sob
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Update from Brins! UPDATE FROM BRINS!!!!
At last, at long, long last, after so many many months of wishing, dreaming and hoping, I finally have it! The key to the CICC's salvation! The
Holy Grail of blogs!!
We have our very own
guestbook!! Are you happy?!
I had no idea it would be this simple. I would like to take this opportunity to thank absolutely no-one. Well, with one exception (I will be forever indebted to
this website for showing me the path to guestbooks). Surely, this is proof that the
power of love and friendship can conquer all boundaries!
But of course, as naive as I am, I know full well that my rush of delight will quickly fade upon my discovery that no-one signs my guestbook; after all, no-one signed that last one. However, there's always the possibility that people DO sign it, which would be brilliant.
Come on, friends. It's time for those comments I've been pleading for for so long!
I really can garble on about nothing, can't I? Just one thing:
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Merry Christmas One And All, From Brins
Merry Christmas to all you young people (like me) partying out on the town and raving away at the 'hottest clubs' (unlike me)
Merry Christmas to the most honourable adult population, without whom the world would fall into chaos and anarchy
Merry Christmas to all the elderly, whoever and wherever they may be, that you might find some peace of heart in this insane world
And, of course,
Merry Christmas to everyone/thing else
Furthermore, even if you hate Christmas and any/all that it might stand for, Merry Christmas (nevertheless, be thankful. We need all the holidays we can get!)
Then again, if you really hated Christmas you would have left the second you saw the post's title.
Bah, being an innocent, naive and frankly placid individual, I have yet to witness any of the harshnesses of reality, and thus can't yet appreciate any refutations of a 'season of goodwill', 'peace on Earth' and so on.
Yet, there is an uncanny truth in that all things, however horrendous, end eventually. The world is a place of eternal change, both in nature and in life.
Every one of you take peace and comfort in the fact that you'll die one day. If it weren't for death, life would probably be the most depressing ordeal in existence.
So many of you will find this message depressing or inhumane; but read over it again. Read it closely. I think you'll find that the real message contained here is probably the happiest one anyone can ever take solace and comfort in.
I'm a strange person, am I not? Don't worry, I'm just a kid - unlike most others out there, I admit that the things I say are most likely complete nonsense. Be thankful!
You heard me already, and you hear me again:
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A shock from Brins
Six comments? I've struck gold!
Having recently checked the
site meter, it seems that site visitations have risen dramatically over the past several days. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage those of you visiting to sign the guestbook in the right-hand menu, as well as to thank you all for coming here: the CICC is nothing without its visitors.
But enough about that. The
Christmas holidays are coming up, and
Christmas day itself is on the horizon (Saturday, to be precise). But let's not jump the gun; there's still several days of grueling work to go until the tree can be idolised.
In order to whet your appetite for all things Christmas, try this old-school
webpage, toddle over to Lapland and enter into the warm beckoning glow of
Santa's grotto, or go to the critically unaclaimed best website in the history of the multiverse:
That should provide you with some fun for a while. Merry Christmas to all, and who knows; maybe I'll muster the HTML experience to Christomise the site with some kind of background. I'll get back to you on that one.
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Hello from Brins
Christmas seems to be coming soon, or so reports suggest. I suppose I ought to do something special here to commemorate that fact, but we'll see, won't we?
What with the prelims coming up in February, I'll be sure to get a good deal of revision in over the holiday period, as I would hope all you exam candidates out there would do as well. Regardless of when your prelims are. Think I'm insane? Read the Revision essay and make your own conclusions.
At any rate, I'm not feeling on top form at the moment, which is fine. I notice a distinct lack of visitors judging by the sitemeter, which is somewhat upsetting for me. If someone would try to visit, I'd appreciate it.
At any rate,
this might clear a few things up. Although then again, maybe it won't. If that's the case, nevermind
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

Apologies from Brins
Sorry, everyone, for the significant (to me, at least) lack of updates to the site. This is the last time I'm going to address this issue, since you're all most likely bored of it.
At any rate, I won a talent competition today singing 'Suspicious Minds' by the legendary Elvis Presley. I'd do an impression, but no.
Now I'm sure most of you don't know that I don't read very much. However, for the first time since half a year a go, I've been chugging along a most interesting book by some person called
Bill Bryson, 'A Short History of Nearly Everything'. If you study up on Bryson, you'll find him to be an alarmingly unassuming and - quite frankly - a very genuine, average guy. Having lived his life, he suddenly felt left out about not knowing anything about the universe, so he proceeded to know 'nearly' everything about the universe. But then, given his unassuming nature, I'd go the extra mile to say that he does know everything about the universe. Well, everything anyone else knows, anyway.
Not that I'm in much position to verify his claims.
At any rate, I have the utmost of admiration for this man (not to suggest I don't have any admiration for the person that mentioned him
here). I'm not much for people that know they know everything; even if they do.
And if you made sense of that last sentence, then you know too much!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments