
The Considerably Interesting Curricular Compendium

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Monday, October 11, 2004

A Mondayne post from Brins

This post is rather pointless, but then no post is really pointless on a curricular compendium, now is it? No, it's not.

The latest news is that nothing special is happening, my Birthday's on Friday (feel free to send me a birthday email or comment or something), and the October break is looming over the horizon. If we can just get through some more schooling, my friends, we're home free!

Of course, those of you who don't have a holiday... well, nevermind. You'll get one later. Afterall, when you think about it, it's impossible to experience true joy without suffering. Indeed, the greater the suffering, the greater the resulting joy and appreciation of things formerly taken for granted. Henceforth, we can conclude that resultant joy is directly proportional to initial suffering, as summarised by the equation:

Jr*t = Si*t

Argh, sorry about that; I had Physics last thing today. Still, there's an optimistic note for you, which would go hand in hand with the concept of all tragic or traumatic incidents - regardless of how horrible or depressing - seem to ultimately result in some good, whether directly or indirectly. That's a harder one to understand right off, you'd have to think for a bit to see where that's going.

But that's enough, have a nice day


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

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For School Pupils:

Working with UCAS - S6 University applicants

The truth of S6 - S6

Shock therapy - S5 and below

Revision Planning - S3 and up



Rob on the net - Recommended by Brins

Talk to Rob - Chat with Robonthenet's Rob!

Walton Dell - Abandoned cottage in the woods

Omnicron RPG - free, downloadable game


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