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Saturday, June 12, 2004

A 'fair'ly purposeful post from Brins

Today is a very special day, because it's the school fair! I love this time of year, since you'd be surprised at the stuff you can find there; furthermore, it's great fun, especially if people I know are there. Just last year I picked up some unprecedented articles, such as a hilarious Mario Bros. cartoon video (there was a Sonic the Hedgehog one too, but I didn't get it; hopefully, it'll turn up again this time) and an old Megaman game for the NES - which I can't even play, seeing as how I don't own the system any more - which I might be able to make useful some day. Now, if, by some amazing co-incidence, the person reading this actually knows me, and will be there (though that's as likely as Thomas Jefferson shooting King Harold) then perhaps I'll see you there! But don't worry, I won't, because you won't be there since - as has been stressed before - you probably don't exist.

But it'll be fun


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

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For School Pupils:

Working with UCAS - S6 University applicants

The truth of S6 - S6

Shock therapy - S5 and below

Revision Planning - S3 and up



Rob on the net - Recommended by Brins

Talk to Rob - Chat with Robonthenet's Rob!

Walton Dell - Abandoned cottage in the woods

Omnicron RPG - free, downloadable game


(why is this bit still here?)







Dr. Wily's Revenge

Brins' Identity

Pirate Phrase Bonanza

Hall Of Fame

*tumbleweed rolls by*


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