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Sunday, May 07, 2006
  A Poem From Dr. X (Story)

Remember the little Action Man story that I had up here a while ago? That one with the 'sensational' 'cliffhanger' 'ending' at the 'end'?

Well, good news to all who loved that story and wanted to pay money to read it! Not because I'm charging everyone who does read it, but because I have tracked down the secret diary of Dr. X itself! I'm not going to bore you all with the bad doctor's schemes undisclosed schemes for destroying the world, defeating Action Man, and so on; instead, I'll let you in on something profoundly touching. You see, resting deep within this titanical diary of the doctor is a poem that manages to stand silent amongst the blueprints for Electro-Beam Cannon Blasters and Titanium X Armour Thrusters; this diary is huge and very angry, yet here are these words of wisdom from Doctor X that just seem to transcend form and mystify the heart.

No more suspense! Here is the poem itself:

A Reverence for Dr. X

When I was young and a post-doc,
one day I was in pain;
my lab was dark, my thesis yet ungraded,
for tombs to scorn the laughing sun;
what was this darkness? This was different,
my carbon de-Flibstron did not see;
yet a man walked into the lab,
he did not belong here;
he was gone, and I did not know,
where I was going or where to now go;
did I choose wrongly? To become Dr. X?
Of course not, you boneheaded diary! Stop laughing at me!
Yes, my father did say I would make a horrible poet,
but why must you laugh as well?

I am happy as Dr. X! That man was wrong!
Action Man must be destroyed, and he claimed otherwise!
To the last day of the final coin, the man is wrong forever!

And that's the end of the poem. It seems as though the doctor's train of thought switched at some point in the middle, but before that, isn't it interesting? When Dr. X was a researcher, was he already evil? Who was this man that apparently opposed him, even at this early stage of his career? Could it have been.....

Action Man???

TO NOT BE CONTINUED!! (After all, I don't have any evidence to continue a case here...)



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For School Pupils:

Working with UCAS - S6 University applicants

The truth of S6 - S6

Shock therapy - S5 and below

Revision Planning - S3 and up



Rob on the net - Recommended by Brins

Talk to Rob - Chat with Robonthenet's Rob!

Walton Dell - Abandoned cottage in the woods

Omnicron RPG - free, downloadable game


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