The Considerably Interesting Curricular Compendium
The home of Blerns & Sob
Visit Brins' friend

Another generic post from Brins
The only reason this post is here is to let anyone who monitors '
CICC' attentively know that I'm still around. It seems my
prophecy of the blog becoming a bit slow (check the second post down in the link) has come true, so be prepared for reasonable gaps between posts. That's all I really have to say, other than it's been a sunny day. Anyway, happy Sunday.
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A generic post from Brins
You may notice (if you are actually there) that I missed out yesterday's post. Yup, school's in, blog's out. But look! I didn't capitalise or antithesise (I'll look up that word later in case it's wrong) the word 'blog' today! I suppose I'm becoming
initiated in the ways of the blog now, so expect more simple and typical posts from now on (I say expect, please don't get carried away if it doesn't happen). Anyway, here's today's
meaningless waffle:
A half-day at school - always a good thing -
That's it. Did you expect more? Well, I might be getting better at blogging, but that doesn't mean I'm getting better at being interesting.
Oh, yes, I'm working on the "
School Game", if anyone's interested.
So long
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A side note from Brins
Well, it's the last day of the holiday now, so soon It'll be back to school. Of course, this could work out in one of two ways:
1) I'll be constantly updating the "BLOG" with new information and details of school events.
2) The updating process will become much slower as I have more work to concern myself with.
So, which will it be? We'll have to wait and see...
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

A lesson to all school pupils from Brins
This day is the second last of the Easter holiday for me, so perhaps once the new term begins there will be more for me to say as regards my schooling and any events that happen. I may as well mention also that the exams are coming up soon, though more details might be put up about that as it crops up.
Just in case my visitor count should shift into plurals, I'd like to give some advice to all school pupils, primary or secondary:
I have learned over my years that one of the things teachers like to do is '
scare' or '
shock' their pupils into working harder and doing well in the exams. While this approach is probably quite effective, it is still rather mean, as I have observed much hypocrisy and lying from these teachers in my student career amidst the '
shock therapy', which I don't believe is very fair. This information could save you a few nasty shocks in assemblies and start-of-terms at many points in your schooling career:
1) The earliest point at which teachers began the 'shock therapy' on me and my class was in Primary 7, when they began to warn us about how incompetent we all were, and that if we didn't shape up we wouldn't cut it in high school. If your teacher(s) says this, it's a lie. High school may seem daunting at first, but very soon you'll realise it is little more than a continuation of Primary, and you'll adapt perfectly well.
This 'shocker' is apparently designed to make the less studious or hard-working pupils shape up. I wasn't one of them, but the way they put it across made it seem like everyone was being referred to. Basically, if you do your work and put thought into it, you're okay.
2) The second major point at which teachers did a 'shocker' was in second year when we had to make our course choices for standard grade. They told us '
this is the most important event in your school life: choosing which courses to take in Standard Grade is a choice which will affect you for the rest of your days'. There is actually considerable truth to this one, but still, don't be caught off guard because they can really scare you with this one. Choosing your subjects is not as scary or difficult as they make it out to be at all (This applies to Scottish schools, though possibly to others as well). A 'column system' is used, and you are actually extremely limited in choices, as subjects are categorised into columns which they fit into. You must take English and Maths - there is no choice in that - but all other subjects are grouped to be quite similar. Languages are in the same column, for example, as are sciences and world-related subjects (like history and geography). The worst mistake you could make would be to choose a subject (voluntarily) that you really hate, and you find no use for, or worse: one which you are very good at, but cannot stand). Think about the subjects you are doing right now, and decide on the ones which you like best and do best in. Reach a balance between the two, and don't let anything else get in the way. You don't want to spend two years studying a subject you don't like!
3) Next comes one of the worst 'shockers': the '
do well or die' one, as I like to call it. From the beginning of Standard Grade to perhaps the end of your schooling career, teachers will
NEVER stop reminding you of how
'if you fail your exams and don't study, you will fail in life, never get a job, and be unhappy'. The most important advice: do not succumb to this. It is very hard to hear teachers prattle on about how if you don't do well you're worthless, I know, but do not let it get to you. In my opinion, there is too much emphasis on doing well at school, because the teachers scare many people into thinking they aren't doing well enough and perhaps even failing their exams out of anxiety! By all means, I don't mean do not revise or study, because you should, but just remember that there is more to life than grades and exams. Just try hard and do as well as you feel like you can, because that's all we can do.
I think I've covered the main 'shockers' here, but I have one last message for you: '
All things must pass'. No matter how difficult, horrible, disturbing or depressing something is, it can't last forever. Sooner or later, it will end. This is, perhaps, the best advice there is to be given, and the most important lesson in life of all. Learn this, and don't let those teachers get you down, because if you do, your life will be so much easier. So there you go.
Good luck
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

An informative post from Brins
Just to confirm this with my visitor, I notice the
commenting system is now operational. Just click the link above the post you want to comment on (it says '
Comment', in case you're confused). Then you simply follow the instructions: type in your
username and
e-mail address (if any), and you may proceed to comment.
Though I'm still exceedingly inexperienced with web-hosting, I'll be looking into ways to improve my "BLOG" all the time, so you can watch the rise (though hopefully not the fall) of my empire take place live on ""!
And don't worry, the "BLOG" may seem pretty boring right now, but it'll get underway sooner or later.
Goodbye, and have a nice day
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

An informative post from Brins
It's the "BLOG"'s first day, but I'm cramming in quite a few posts to get started. Nevertheless, I thought I'd tell you that I've been making a video game recently, which I call the "
School Game" (tentative title). It's a massive project, in which I'm trying to enlist as many people as possible from my school to take part. It's an epic RPG of awe-inspiring proportions, with pathos, emotion, drama, comedy, and tons of plot-twists! *
Commencing advertisement*
Gary as he attends a seemingly normal school assembly, but suddenly blacks out and finds himself in the middle of a forest village, with absolutely no clue of what just happened! Battle with
ferocious animals (like frogs) which have started becoming inexplicably aggressively upon Gary's arrival to this place! Travel with Gary across
incredible landscapes as he struggles to discover where he is and how he can get back home! Help
unite Gary with his friends and continue his epic quest!...
But these are just the basics! It's a huge, gynormous, collosal, incredible, thesaurus-inducing adventure with so many tides and turns that you'll get seasick from just looking at it! It's on its way!!! *Ending advertisement*
There you go. If anyone who is aware of the project reads this, you've got some inside information. But hardly any! I don't want to sound as enthusiastic as
Stan Lee here, but you won't believe what we've got in store for you!
If anyone (i.e. everyone) who reads this would like to know more about the School Game, add a comment or e-mail me. I could send you pictures, or even the demo! So, that's it. [Incidentally, I feel that this would be a good time to tell you that if you would like me to change anything in/about a post, put it in your comment and I'll see what I can do. Thank you]
Goodbye, and have a nice day.
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments
AboutDon't panic, let me sort all your confusions. Want to know what this website is? Alright, for the drifter, here's a quick synopsis:
'The Considerably Interesting Curricular Compendium' (CICC) is the website of a school pupil called Brins. It acts like an online diary, but you can throw all that teen angst out of the window: this place is squarely for Brins to post his feelings, thoughts, essays, ideas, competitions, links and other such informative stuff for you, the reader.
That's more or less it. I heartily recommend the essays section for school pupils, and would encourage you all to take part in the challenges. Everything can be found on the right hand menu bar.
Philosophy Brins You may feel comfortable to know that Brins is unlike some people his age (excluding perhaps
Rob), in that I have absolutely no desire to rant about trivial incidents, imply that youths are superior to all other age groups, assault all views which conflict with my own, or even attempt to suggest that life is depressing and/or horrible, miserable, meaningless. Without the slightest need for parties, alcohol, relationships and excessive shopping, you can rely on me to stand unbiased and strong for all who feel socially neglected, disrespected and depressed in their lives, particularly youths like myself. I have an undying respect for all people of all lifestyles; from the pinnacle of extroverts to the darkest closet of introverts, in my eyes everybody, however sociable/unsociable, confident/shy, happy/sad, is equal in their humanity and deserves as much respect, admiration and appreciation for what they are as the next person. You'll find little to no items in the way of political banter, character judgements or credulity attacks here; The CICC has always been by the universe, for the universe, and if that makes any sense to you then you're talking my language.
Of course, Brins appreciates that everyone likes a little controversy, political banter and character judging in life - it's natural. If you want that, you might like to try
Air's site instead (Caution: Adult humour/content).
Now, a walkthrough of CICC content [COMING SOON]
Read that? Good for you! Here's your rewards:
here, and
here; and while you're at it, why not
here as well?
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments
The birth of the comments (Site Update)
An interesting note from BrinsI have some fantastic news for the visitor to my "BLOG". You can, or at least will soon be able to, make comments on the posts (thanks go to cousin
Aaron for this [
warning: his site contains explicit language])! So, whenever ready, feel free to post something about whatever random nonsense you've read. Just
DON'T SWEAR!!!!!!! If you can. But even if you do, don't, because I just remembered! Resistance is futile! I am the supreme "
BLOG-MASTER", henceforth I possess the supreme power to
DELETE your comments! Yes! So there!
Edit: Oh - oh no! Saints preserve us, I just discovered I CAN'T delete comments! NO!!
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments
Basics (Introduction Essay)
A stating of the basics from BrinsNow, before we go any further with the "BLOG", I feel it should be addressed that I'm more or less completely inexperienced with the hosting of any form of web-page, so I am what many "BLOGGERS" would call a "newbie", but we've all got to start somewhere. So I'm starting here.
Now, for any budding "BLOGGERS" out there, I'm just as confused as you.
Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say, and neither would a "BLOG" be, but I'll try to explain what it's all about.
Basically, this "BLOG" is what you would call a journal of events. It's just a series of statements made by me, relating to whatever
topic I like. The "archive" - which will be on the screen somewhere - is basically the list of all the aforementioned statements which have been made on this "BLOG", categorised by the dates at which they were entered. So by clicking on a range of dates (say, using the American dating system, '04.1.04 - 04.8.04'), you can view all the statements made in that time-span. At least, I think that's the case.
So, for now, that's really all there is to it. Maybe later on I'll learn how to put more advanced stuff in the "BLOG", but until then, I'm quite happy with it the way it is.
Goodbye, and have a nice day
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments
Introductory course
An introductory course from Brins
Good ol' Stan Lee, eh?
Obviously, to be reading this,
YOU must actually
exist, henceforth you are here for one of the following reasons:
1) You heard about the "BLOG" from a friend
2) You got lost [most likely]
3) You want to laugh at how incompetent this "BLOG" is.
Well, that's fine, but do any of you know why I'm here? It's because I'm -quite arguably- the only one who can archive everything (i.e. a few of the things) that I do in my life. So, sit back (though you probably already are) and relax (that too), and prepare yourselves for a most exciting journey! No-one knows whether this "BLOG" will fail or sail! Of course, for all I know you might be reading this because it's become a big "BLOG" and you wanted to see how it all started. Well, you've seen it, so
well done!
--------- Incidentally, lest anyone else ever joins this website, I'll call myself
Brins for now (note the name at the top of the post).
Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments